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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bikini Confidence

     What I have been hearing from the TV to the newspaper, from the internet and my own mother, people seem to be really keen to be finding their "Bikini Body"-and fast.

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   It has only been recently that I have seen how little it means to have a 'good' body. Most of my life I have heard from woman surrounding me and the ones in the media talk about how much weight they need to lose. Some its 5lbs, others its 10lbs, sometimes its over 40lbs. I could never understand why it was such a huge deal. All I could hear was people trying to lose weight and try to look their best before summer comes because theres more of you to show. What that taught me was that I needed to lose weight in order to wear a bathing suit. The equation I comprehended from it all was: my body-xlbs=bikini body. As a child I never questioned it, it was something I absorbed like a sponge. Being an overweight child, this was a dangerous thing to be taught at such a young age. As my mind has developed, I now see the problem with this equation. Why can't it just be my body=bikini body?

   All my life I was told to lose weight. Now, I understand it can be for health to many individuals, but for others, its completely healthy to carry those extra pounds. Although I was overweight, I wasn't encouraged to eat healthy and go outside more; it was just about losing weight. Looking back, it had seemed that people just wanted me to have a 'good' body rather then a healthy one.

   What's a 'good' body? Many people have many different definitions of a "good" body, but what makes a common idea of a 'good' body? If I were to ask a random person on the street, I have a strong feeling they would answer something along the lines of: "Not too big, but not too small." Which I feel translates as "Not too fat, but not too little fat."OK. Well, now I would like to ask what makes a 'bad' body? This is not the feeling of everyone, obviously, but I find commonly if you're "too fat" you're a disgusting and lazy pig, but "too skinny" you probably starve yourself, and need to find a McDonalds ASAP. Without uttering a single word, someone is judging your personality just by the way you look. The only way to be beautiful, is to be somewhere in between the two.

  I find it extremely disappointing that our world today defines beautiful about the fat, muscle and bone ratio of our bodies. Inner beauty is often forgotten and swept under the rug because its not showing constantly like that roll of fat on your belly. But, the thing I can't seem to wrap my head around is: why does it dictate so much of our worth as human beings? I think that sometimes we forget that we are more then what we look like. Our IQ is a much better thing to be proud of then number on the scale, and the size of our heart is more important then the size of our jeans (excuse the cheese). I see constant reminders (especially on the internet) about how"everyone is beautiful in their own way" and even though I agree with that, I think that its not that encouraging. Ok, great I'm beautiful. Now what?

I could go on for days about how people tend to be defined by what we look like, but we can't change the world we live in as quickly as we'd sometimes like. Some people can be very self conscious in this season, and I know I've wasted summers on the beach with long pants and sweaters before. Those times weren't the best, and I know that I probably didn't look as bad as I thought I did. Even if I looked THAT BAD, no one is really looking at me as much as I thought they were. We look at ourselves under a microscope, and honestly? No one really cares.

   If you're going to the beach sometime soon, please do not be afraid of what you look like. You are more then what you show through your outer shell, and if you shine with confidence then you'll be happy. And, at the end of the day, isn't that all that really matters?


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